Teen Programs
New YA Fiction
Title: | Community Helpers Program |
Date: | Thursday, September 12 |
Time: | 4:30pm - 6:00pm |
Presenter: | Laura Charrois, Youth Suicide Prevention Coordinator, St. Albert Community Village |
Location: | Training Room |
Categories: | Teen |
Registration: | Registration is required for this event. |
Description: |
Grades 7-12 | 4:30-6:00pm DOWNTOWN LIBRARY SEPT 12 & 26 The Community Helpers Program enhances community capacity for youth mental health through an assets-based approach. Participants will receive a certificate from Alberta Health Services for completing this two-day training facilitated by Laura Charrois, Youth Suicide Prevention Coordinator at the St. Albert Community Village. In every community there are people whom others naturally turn to for support. They are from all walks of life and are considered by others to be helpers. Helpers possess characteristics like empathy, care, and compassion. The Community Helpers Program identifies these helpers and offers training to strengthen their natural abilities. Through candid conversations and engaging activities youth can learn about the importance of mental health in others and in themselves. Modules covered:
Title: | CANCELLED - YouthLEAD with Bent Arrow |
Date: | Wednesday, September 18 |
Time: | 4:30pm - 6:00pm |
Categories: | Teen |
Description: |
This event has been cancelled. Please contact Kikosewin Family Resource Network for more information.
Title: | Soulfire |
Date: | Thursday, September 19 |
Time: | 4:00pm - 5:00pm |
Location: | Teen Corner |
Categories: | Teen |
Description: |
Grades 7-12 | 4:00-5:00pm TEEN CORNER, DOWNTOWN LIBRARY Presented in partnership with the City of St. Albert. Soulfire takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Join Community Resource Coordinator, Colleen and tap into the ways you can find deeper connections and learn about your own mental health in a fun and unique way. Come hangout, meet awesome people, and try new activities.