Creative Corner
Learn, experiment and create small-scale projects in our self-service Creative Corner. Come to the second floor of the Downtown Library and try out the following:
The library's 3D Printer is donated by the
Africans & African Descendants
Friendship Club Of St. Albert
How does it work?
Choose a print-ready object on a site like Thingiverse or Design your own on a site like TinkerCAD (you must register for your own personal account).
Files need to be in .STL format
Costs: $1.00 to start the print job + material costs (based on the design)
4 hour print time limit
Single colour
NOTE: A library membership is required to use this service. It may take up to 2 weeks before you job is ready. If you need your job faster, you may wish to consider submitting your job with a commercial 3D printer.
Try out 3D printing by going to the downtown or Jensen Lakes library locations. When you are at the library you can submit your .stl file to our 3D printer que. A library staff member contact you by email with a digital proof to approve before your print job is printed.
Tech Details
- • The printer is a Dremel Digilab 3d45
- • Uses PLA filament Materials Safety Data Sheet
- • Printer uses Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)
- • Medium build quality (0.2mm)
- • Single extruder system
- • Maximum build volume is 10” x 6” x 6.7” (254mm x 154mm x 170mm)

Cricut Vinyl & Paper Cutter
The library has a Cricut Explore Air 2 available at the Downtown Library location for public use. The Cricut allows you to cut out intricate patterns and designs on a variety of materials. You can design your project on Cricut Design Space with your free personal account. We provide mat, blade, and tools for free, but please bring your own materials (cardstock, vinyl, etc.)
Arduino is a key tool for learning new things! Arduino is made up of a programmable circuit board (microcontroller) and software. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller from the software on a computer. You can also use the Ardunio the Arduino Web Editor online.
What can you do with Arduino?
- Audio & sound
- Automation
- Robotics
- Smart lighting
- Interactive games
- Wearables and more!
Check out an Arduino kit to use in the library or at home.
Creative Station with
Wacom Drawing Tablet
We have the software you need to do what you want to do.
Photo Editing:- Adobe Photoshop Elements - photo editing software for anyone who wants to edit and create with their photos and images.
- Dark Table - a non-destructive photo editor for pictures.
- GIMP - an open source alternative to photoshop.
- Adobe Premiere Elements - video editing software for anyone who wants to edit and create with their videos.
- Handbrake - an MP4 video converter.
- Blackmagic Raw
- VLC Media Player - an open source video player that plays almost any video format.
- Audacity - an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder.
- Davinci Resolve - a professional-level video editor.
- Blender - a 3D modeling and animation program.
- Inkscape - a vector-based graphics program; primarly used for illustration.
- Kitra - an open source paint and illustration program.
- Cricut Design Space
- Natron - an open source special effects program.
- Dremel DigiLab 3D Slicer
- Notepad++ - a program for editing code.
- Arduino IDE - a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them.
- Nexus Font - a windows-based font manager.
- Scribus - an open source page layout program.
- LibreOffice - an open source office program.
- Microsoft Office + Publisher - Microsoft's suite of software, which includes a page layout program.
Do you have home movies gathering dust in your basement? Convert your VHS videos to MP4 files!
This process occurs in real time, so you will have to play through the VHS tape. Please don't leave your project unattended.
Are you working on a project or event where a button maker would be helpful? Look no further, we have a Button Maker you can use at the downtown library!
- 50¢/button
- first come, first serve
- Size 1.75" button