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Résumé and Job Search Tutor

Our free Résumé and Job Search consultations are offered as either in person and virtual. Our tutors draw on their experience in human resources and career counselling to evaluate résumés and cover letters, and help you to develop effective interview strategies. 

Call the Downtown Information Desk at 780-459-1682 during Library hours to book your appointment.

Career Resource Centre (Downtown Library, second floor)

  • Staff support for career planning, education and job search;
  • Dedicated public computers for work search and résumé writing;
  • Free printing of essential documents: résumés, cover letters, certificates and job postings;
  • Free faxing and scanning of career and job search documents;
  • In-Library use of laptops with webcams and headsets for interviews, training modules, and other career-related needs.

Services for Job Searchers (Jensen Lakes Library)

  • Free printing of essential documents: résumés, cover letters, certificates and job postings;
  • Free scanning of career and job search documents.

Looking to work at the Library? Check out our job postings.

The St. Albert Job Connector provides support to both local businesses and job seekers. Employers, job seekers and students can access these free tools and resources to find jobs, training, financial assistance and other supports. Access Resources

Upcoming Events

No events are scheduled.


The Career Resource Centre is made possible through a partnership with the Government of Alberta