Suggest Items for Your Library
We welcome your recommendations! We want to build a diverse and balanced collection to serve our community. If you’re interested in a title that’s not in our catalogue, you can fill out our Suggest an Item Form.
Please note: Only St. Albert Library card holders can make suggestions for the purchase of new library materials.
All suggestions are reviewed individually by Library staff. Purchases are informed by our Materials Selection Policy, funding, space and availability.
If your suggestion was not purchased, check our Interlibrary Loan system to see if you can find it at another library in Alberta.
If it has been over 30 days from the date of your initial suggestion and you have not received a hold notification, we did not purchase this item. Please note that we are unable to place holds on any suggested digital titles (i.e. eBooks, eAudiobooks, etc.); therefore, you won’t receive a notification if it is added to our collection.
You can make a maximum of five suggestions per month.
Due to the volume of requests we are unable to process any suggestions for purchase with a release date more than 30 days from the date of request. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Future releases by popular authors (e.g. John Grisham, Louise Penny, Nora Roberts) will be purchased and you can place a hold when they appear in the catalog.
For movies, SAPL will already be purchasing blockbuster films to add to our collections. You do not need to submit a Suggest an Item for these titles. Please remember that a film's theatrical release date is different from the DVD release date.
Future releases by popular authors (e.g. John Grisham, Louise Penny, Nora Roberts) will be purchased and you can place a hold when they appear in the catalog.
For movies, SAPL will already be purchasing blockbuster films to add to our collections. You do not need to submit a Suggest an Item for these titles. Please remember that a film's theatrical release date is different from the DVD release date.
Content from specific publishers such as Netflix, Audible and Amazon Prime are not available for libraries. Other publishers, such as Tor, have embargoes that prevent libraries from purchasing copies of new releases.
Fill in our Contact Us form. Include independent reviews, media coverage of your book/CD/DVD, and any other information that will help us make a decision. Purchases are informed by our Materials Suggestion Policy.
Suggest an Item Form
Please use the following form to suggest books, music, movies and more.
Enter your library card number to start